Our Journey Through Infertility.....

Friday, December 19, 2008

Doctor's appointment

Today I went to the fertility specialist/endocrinologist on post for my first visit. I was diagnosed at age 5 with an endocrine disorder that has played with my hormones since that age. My period is very unpredictable without the help of birth control pills. I went off everything in May and was put on prednisone to help with ovulation. That didn't work, but I had to get off of it for my surgery. So then I decided I'm just going to go by faith and not go on anything. I had been on clomid in 2007 but that didn't work at all and I had horrible side effects from it. So 7 months later and still no period, the gyn in Italy put me back on the pill until I saw the specialist when we moved.

I was quite shocked when I was able to get an appointment so quickly. He is a great doctor and is ready to help us get pregnant. Today I did blood work that needed to be done anyway. I also will be having a sonogram or ultrasound done in the next 2 weeks to see what's going on. So hopefully by mid-January we will have some kind of plan of action.

Keep us in your prayers as we go through this next journey. I'm trusting that God will provide the answers and will guide the doctor.

Until next time....

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Long over due.....

Hello Friends!! I know it's been a while since I've updated so I thought while I drink some chai, I'd take a moment to fill you in.

We made it to North Carolina on Dec 5th with some issues. Our flight left 45 minutes late from Venice which made us miss our flight to Atlanta at JFK Airport. They wanted us to spend the night in Atlanta and catch a morning flight to Fayetteville, but we had Stud and couldn't really do that. I was so overtired that I was almost in tears, so Michael spoke with Delta. They put us on a flight to Charlotte and we drove the 3 hours to Fayetteville. So by the time we made it to the hotel is was 3 am - but for us it was 9 am. We had been up for about 20 hours. We slept for about 4 hours and then decided to go to post. Let me tell you, Ft. Bragg is nothing like Vicenza. It's its own town with its own zip code.

We've driven to South Carolina to pick up my car. It was quite a nice trip and I'd like to go back there to actually get to see something. We drove to Raleigh last Saturday to go to the big mall and we're thinking about going back up there to walk around the downtown.

We already have a house, a 2 bedroom standalone. Unfortunately we can't move in until Jan 6th, and all our things will be moved in on Jan 7th. So it'll be a busy first week of the new year. We'll be sending out change of address cards after we move in. I've met the principal and teacher who I will be working with. They seem great and I can't wait to start there the first of the year.

So for now, Michael's working and trying to get settled. He's not assigned to a specific company yet, but he's enjoying meeting the soldiers and learning his way around post. I'm just hanging out for the moment, trying to find my way around, and needing to START Christmas shopping. We're so excited to be going to Jersey for Christmas! I can't wait to see everyone!!!

We hope all is well with each of you and are praying that you have a blessed Christmas. Until next time....

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Flying stateside.....

Well friends, tomorrow's the big day. We will officially be leaving Italy for North Carolina. Now I must say, I am having some very mixed emotions about leaving. I have made some wonderful friends here, and Michael and I have made some amazing memories together here. I haven't really been saying goodbye to my friends. I've decided to start saying "See ya soon!" Because that's basically what we'll be doing. The Airborne community is a small community and I know we'll run into each other at different bases.

Michael, on the other hand, is not quite sure about all this. This will be his first move in the Army since he enlisted almost 6 years ago. In that time he has embraced Europe and Italy as his home. He says he fits in much better here than he does in the states. I think it's just the uncertainty that's getting to him. He doesn't know who he'll be assigned to or what he'll be doing. He doesn't know about OCS yet. He doesn't know if he'll end up deploying again in 2009. Please keep him in your prayers as this is a big adjustment and upheavel for him.

I am ready to go shopping this weekend in a mall with Starbucks in hand!!!!! Yes friends, I have already scoped out the nearest mall and Starbucks. I have to start my Christmas shopping!!! I am not the best flyer and I get bored quite easily. This drives Michael crazy when we're on a plane. He's going to download some movies to his iPod to keep me busy!!!

Well, I'm not sure when I'll be able to update again. Keep praying for us. Can't wait to see you soon!!!

Until next time....