PCS: Permanent Change of Station
I wanted to share something with you that I heard on AFN (Armed Forces Network) the other day. Acronyms are a huge thing in the military, but I had never heard PCS put this way......Positive Change of Station. It made me smile. Most people who experience a PCS move have different reactions and experiences. I've heard horror stories. I am so grateful that ours has gone quite smoothly.
Don't get me wrong, I have had my shares of stress through all this. I'm a planner. Not knowing what's going to meet me on the other side is driving me crazy. I set up plans on how the move day should go, and then they fall apart or change. That throws me all off. Michael will look at me, smile, and tell me to breathe. He just kind of rolls with it. I, on the other hand, can't just roll with it.
I'm trying to have positive thoughts about this move. I'm excited for what awaits me, but not having a home is a bit nerve-wracking. I already have a job, but I don't even know where the school is located on post. We live on a very small post. We're moving to a post that takes up 2 counties!
Last night I said good-bye to my closest friend here, Tammy. Most of you have heard me talk about her. She came into my life when I needed someone the most, and I know that was God's working. She was, and is, my first Army friend and confidante. She got me through my Army transition and even let me work with her when I needed something to do. I didn't realize how hard it would be to say to her "We'll see each other soon", because I know we will. She's gone to California for a conference so I won't see her before we leave, which is why we sad good-bye so early. The minute and a half that we "talked" on the phone was mostly crying. I'm so blessed to have her in my life. I've got a friend forever and we will meet up again.
So friends, this PCS is going to be a rough one in some aspects, but it's also going to be one where I will learn new things. I know that God knows what we're going to face. He'll have it all worked out for us. I just need to get that into my thick head.
Until next time....