Our Journey Through Infertility.....

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Halfway There

Just wanted to update you on what's going on over the pond. Michael has made it halfway to Afghanistan. We said our good-byes yesterday morning, and I promptly started the month count until his 2 week break. Only 5 more months to go - we hope. I did pretty well not crying in front of him, but going to bed was a different story. I called my mom around 1030 pm after taking some Tylenol PM to help me sleep. I ended up falling to sleep quickly, which was a blessing.

Please keep us both in your prayers. I have a few days left here and then I get to come home to start some sort of consistency for the next 16 months. I'm looking forward to working, and spending time with family and friends. When I get home, I'll post some pictures from yesterday that we took.

Love to you all!


  • At 5/15/2007 9:23 AM, Blogger c2key said…

    you are both in the "prayer circle" here in the mountains. Pastor Jim and Judi Greenfield both send their love and prayers. Michael has been added to our list of soldiers. I'm not going to say the time apart will be fast and easy because we know it won't but I am glad you will be home with family and friends.
    Blessings...love, aunt chris

  • At 5/17/2007 12:44 AM, Blogger Big Cheeseburger said…

    Hiya babe. I wanted to let you know I love you and miss you. I am counting down too. Here's a kiss for you and for Studebaker. :) See you soon sweetheart. xoxo

  • At 6/02/2007 9:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm always a phone call away Kate
    609-420-4223, if you need a different shoulder to cry on. :)
    Love ya hunnie!


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