Our Journey Through Infertility.....

Friday, February 16, 2007

Wifely Duties!!

So we packed for 2 hours tonight. But the fun didn't start until around 845 when we proceeded to watch...ok people get this....Fievel Goes West. Yes friends, I said Fievel Goes West. You see, Michael says this one line to me when he wants to getg on my nerves...it's "My Darling Baby Bubby Bunker Boo". Of course I proceeded to look at Amazon.com to see if I could by it for him. So for Valentine's Day he got An American Tail and Fievel Goes West. So I'm sitting here typing away as Michael is watching and saying most of the lines to the movie. I'm assuming this is his mother's fault. He's such a child sometimes....or is that a child at heart...i have no idea. Anyway, I remember seeing An American Tail when it came out in the theatre because it's probably one of the only movies my mom took us to see. So would you call this "wifely duties"?? I'm going to assume so.

Well, on to adult things.....we've packed the guest room and living room tonight. Tomorrow we're moving all our personal furniture and some government issued to the new apartment. We're also going to drop off some boxes. The landlady is sending a cleaning person over, so it'll be ready for us to live in next week. Appliances are being delivered Tuesday morning and then we've got to do some major grocery shopping that night.

So that's about it. We love and miss you all. Only 61 more days left until vacation. By the way, Michael is now laughing at the movie as it's playing. Oh my, what's a girl to do!!!!


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