Our Journey Through Infertility.....

Friday, April 04, 2008

Nothing really exciting

I'm sorry to say there's nothing really exciting going on here. I'm going to Germany the end of the month for a day. I'm having an MRI done on my right ankle. I've had previous injuries to it and was told 2 years ago that I needed ankle stabilization surgery. So to say the least, I may be having surgery in the next month or 2.

The baby that I'm watching in the mornings is great. My first week with him I took him to PWOC with me. I said to a mother at Bible study that I don't know how mothers with infants do it. It took me forever to figure out how to get myself and him out of the house and not forget anything. She said to me, "It's hard, but you learn. That's why I get up at 4:30 am." Of course my mouth fell open at this sentiment. I can barely get myself out of bed at 6:00 am. But I've been told that once you have a wee one in the house, everything changes in your life for the better. I'm trusting that will be true for me too. I love a good sleep in - just ask Michael.

Speaking of my husband, Michael is doing well. We chat everyday online and we get to physically speak to each other on the phone once a week. The countdown has begun in Kamu - 16 weeks and counting. His walks will become more frequent as the weather gets warmer, which means we won't be able to chat as often. But I'm looking forward to the day when he gets off the bus at post and I can hold him in my arms. Until then, chatting online is almost as good.

The weather's gotten warmer, the cherry blossoms are blossoming, and leaves are starting to pop out on trees. I love spring. I love the idea of newness. We are both looking forward to moving stateside. We're looking at furniture and all kinds of kitcheny things. Know that we think about you all and miss you daily.

Until next time....


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